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Working with Warehouses

Each Kargo warehouse is represented by a Kubernetes resource of type Warehouse.

The Warehouse Resource Type

A Warehouse resource's most important field is its spec.subscriptions field, which is used to subscribe to one or more:

  • Container image repositories

  • Git repositories

  • Helm charts repositories

The following example shows a Warehouse resource that subscribes to a container image repository and a Git repository:

kind: Warehouse
name: my-warehouse
namespace: kargo-demo
- image:
semverConstraint: ^1.26.0
- git:

Kargo uses semver to handle semantic versioning constraints.

Image Subscription

For subscriptions to container image repositories, the imageSelectionStrategy field specifies the method for selecting the desired image. The available strategies for subscribing to an image repository are:

  • Digest: This strategy is used when subscribing to a specific mutable tag, such as latest, which is generally discouraged due to best practices favoring immutable tags. Users must supply a value in the constraint field, specifying the mutable tag they wish to track. The strategy will retrieve the latest details for the image tagged in this way, including any new or updated digest.

  • Lexical: This strategy selects the image with the lexicographically greatest tag, making it suitable for scenarios where tags incorporate date/time stamps in formats like yyyymmdd. When using this strategy, it's recommended to pair it with a regular expression in the allowTags field to limit eligibility to tags that match the expected format, ensuring the correct selection of tags.

  • NewestBuild: This strategy selects the image with the most recent build time.


    NewestBuild requires retrieving metadata for every eligible tag, which can be slow and might exceed the registry's rate limits. It's advisable to use the allowTags field to limit the number of tags for which metadata is retrieved, thereby reducing the risk of hitting rate limits.

  • SemVer: This strategy selects the image that best matches a semantic versioning constraint.


    Kargo uses semver to handle these contraints, allowing users to define and manage versions precisely.

Git Subscription

In subscriptions to Git repositories, the commitSelectionStrategy field specifies the method for selecting the desired commit. The available strategies for subscribing to a git repository are:

  • Lexical: Selects the commit referenced by the lexicographically greatest tag. It is particularly useful in scenarios where commit references, such as tags or branches, incorporate date/time stamps in formats like yyyymmdd. To ensure the correct selection, it's advisable to use regular expressions in the allowTags or allowBranches field, which limit the acceptable format of the references, preventing the selection of undesired tags like zzz-custom over something like nightly-20241211.
  • NewestFromBranch: Selects the most recent commit from a specified branch. It's useful when tracking the latest changes in a branch that receives regular updates.
  • NewestTag: Selects the most recent commit associated with a tag. Since tags are typically immutable, there should be only one commit per tag. To optimize this strategy, it's recommended to constrain the eligible tags using regular expressions or specific patterns, ensuring the selection is limited to tags that follow a consistent naming convention.
  • SemVer: Selects the commit referenced by a tag that best matches the constraint.

Git Subscription Path Filtering

In some cases, it may be necessary to constrain the paths within a Git repository that a Warehouse will consider as triggers for Freight production. This is especially useful for GitOps repositories that are "monorepos" containing configuration for multiple applications.

The paths that may or must not trigger Freight production may be specified using a combination of the includePaths and excludePaths fields of a Git repository subscription.

The following example demonstrates a Warehouse with a Git repository subscription that will only produce new Freight when the latest commit (selected by the applicable commit selection strategy) contains changes in the apps/guestbook directory since the last piece of Freight produced by the Warehouse:

kind: Warehouse
name: my-warehouse
namespace: kargo-demo
- git:
- apps/guestbook

The next example demonstrates the opposite: a Warehouse with a Git repository subscription that will only produce new Freight when the latest commit (selected by the applicable commit selection strategy) contains changes to paths other than the repository's docs/ directory:

kind: Warehouse
name: my-warehouse
namespace: kargo-demo
- git:
- docs

includePaths and excludePaths may be combined to include a broad set of paths and then exclude a subset of those. The following example demonstrates a Warehouse with a Git repository subscription that will only produce new Freight when the latest commit (selected by the applicable commit selection strategy) contains changes within the apps/guestbook directory other than the apps/guestbook/

kind: Warehouse
name: my-warehouse
namespace: kargo-demo
- git:
- apps/guestbook
- apps/guestbook/

It is important to understand that new Freight will be produced when the latest commit (selected by the applicable commit selection strategy) contains even a single change that is:

  1. Implicitly included via undefined includePaths.


    Explicitly included via includePaths.


  2. Not explicitly excluded via excludePaths.


By default, the strings in the includePaths and excludePaths fields are treated as exact paths to files or directories. (Selecting a directory will implicitly select all paths within that directory.)

Paths may also be specified using glob patterns (by prefixing the string with glob:) or regular expressions (by prefixing the string with regex: or regexp:).